The Sojourn Family Blog
noun soh-jurn; verb soh-jurn, soh-jurn
a temporary stay:
to stay for a time in a place; live temporarily:

HEllo! We are the Wolbert's.
We are crazy, passionate family of 8. Although we could never be full-time travelers, we do love to get away and explore when ever we can! This blog is a way for us to share with you our balancing act of living a 'normal life' and finding moments for nature, each other and the outdoors. Our adventures usually keep us in the mid-west but on occasion we venture a little further away from home.
Things we love in a vacation: privacy, nature, water, camp fires, family dinners and of course places that are dog friendly so Blue can come along!
Things we love in everyday life: our faith, our family, 'normal' school (this family was not cut out for homeschooling, thanks 2020), our local sports clubs (between soccer, wrestling, baseball and football we stay pretty busy)
Come along with us on this journey!